Spiritual Exploration for Children and Youth

Our goal is to foster the compassion and confidence that allows our children and youth to use their unique gifts to make a positive change in the world.
Join us on Sundays for Religious Education at Starr King UU Fellowship!
The Religious Education program is held concurrently with the Sunday worship service for all ages of grade school children. We begin each service all together in the sanctuary for the lighting of the chalice, opening hymn, and story time. Then, the children are accompanied downstairs to the Religious Education classrooms with their teachers. All types of activities, play, creativity, and sharing are used to assist in faith development of our children and youth. Our Director of Religious Education Grace Kennedy works closely with Reverend Linda to connect the themes used in our worship services to our Religious Education plans. We focus on creating a welcoming environment that fosters curiosity, joy, and deeper community connection. Children are also always welcome to stay upstairs with their families for the entirety of the service. Coloring pages and quiet fidget toys are available near the entrance to the sanctuary.
Interested in more? Explore previous Religious Education packets for recommendations and readings related to the theme of each service:
High School and Middle School Youth Group
Our High School and Middle School Youth Group meet twice a month. Each group is facilitated by two dedicated leaders, who are supported by Grace, the Director of Religious Education. Curriculums pull from resources provided by the UUA, as well as other inspirations guided by the interests of youth participants. The groups focus on creating a supportive space for connection, reflection, and fun. This year, our Middle School Youth Group will focus on learning about the many different world religions and ways to practice spirituality. Our High School Youth Group will focus more on the theme of Coming of Age and the development of their personal values. Each year the group takes a service or educational trip. Past trips have traveled to New York City, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Check the calendar for meeting times.
Our Whole Lives (OWL)
Our Whole Lives helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, sexual health, and behavior. With a holistic approach, Our Whole Lives provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information about a range of topics, including relationships, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, sexual health, and cultural influences on sexuality. Email: dre@starrkingfellowship.org for more information about our OWL offerings.

Click here to learn more about our DRE Grace, or contact her at: dre@starrkingfellowship.org