Fellowship Elected Leaders
Governing Board and Trustees
Bob Chandler, President - 2025
Connie Maatta, VP/President - 2026
Janet Englund, Treasurer - 2025
Suzan Gannett, Secretary - 2025
Louise Randall, Trustee - 2026
Suellen Skinner, Trustee - 2027
Agenda for December 17, 2024 Board Meeting can be found here.
The most recent Board meeting minutes can be found here.
Click/tap here for a complete list of committee descriptions and tasks.
The Activities Committee plans and executes activities that provide opportunities for SKUUF members and friends to interact, have fun and enhance a sense of community. Second Sunday hikes are an example.
Chair: Deedie Kriebel
Building & Grounds
Building and Grounds is responsible for the upkeep of the building; its subsystems, equipment and furnishings in good repair and operating condition and for maintaining landscaping decorating the exterior Starr King property.
Chair: Jennifer Gentry
Climate Change/Action
The purpose of the Climate Action Committee is to help fulfill one of the missions and visions of our Fellowship which states: “We live and model our values, collectively creating social and environmental justice with direct action and financial support."
Chair: Nancy Chaddock
The Finance Committee actively manages the financial affairs of the Fellowship. It ensures that financial policies & procedures are followed, develops the annual operating budget, tracks and reports on all financial activity, works with Stewardship Committee to establish the annual pledge drive goal, and oversees the investments of the Endowment.
Chair: Janet Englund
The Endowment Committee manages a special fund dedicated to community outreach projects as well as to creating or enhancing special Starr King Unitarian Universalist Fellowship programs that are external to, or above and beyond those in the operating budget.
Chair: Jennifer Gentry
The purpose of the Membership Committee is to promote and sustain growth of the Fellowship.
The Committee on Ministry works with the minister regarding all aspects of the Fellowship’s ministry.
Chair: Linda Barnes
The Nominating Committee works with committees to help meet their membership needs and recruits members to serve on the Board, Nominating Committee, and Ministerial Search Committee.
Pastoral Care
Working in partnership with the minister, the Pastoral Care Committee provides pastoral care to members and friends of the fellowship. This can include cards, meals, transportation, calls and visits.
Chair: Linda Barnes
Religious Education (RE)
The Religious Education Committee, in coordination with the Director of Religious Education (DRE), is responsible for
implementation and operation of the Religious Education Program for children and youth.
Chair: Mimi Chandler
Stewardship/Planned Giving
The Stewardship Committee works to create a culture of generosity and gratitude within the Fellowship. Its goal is to support the mission of the Fellowship by implementing a plan of action for the annual financial pledge drive.
Chair: Mary Hazelton
Welcoming Congregation Committee
The Welcoming Congregation Committee plans regular events highlighting the Fellowship’s role as a proud Welcoming Congregation as designated by the Unitarian Universal Association (https://www.uua.org/lgbtq/welcoming/program).
Chair: Mary Crowell
Worship Associates
The Worship and Music Committee, working in conjunction with the minister, schedules, plans, and assists at worship services throughout the church year.
Chair: Jane Clay