Worship With Us
Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Join us in-person or via Zoom.
Sunday Services typically include announcements, lighting of our chalice flame, a sermon, choir, congregational singing, and a variety of traditional and contemporary readings.
First Fridays at 6 p.m. (October through June)
For an end-of-week slow down, come for 30 minutes of contemplation followed with pizza and fellowship.
During the summer months, our services become more casual and are often lay-led. We do not hold Vespers during the summer.

Religious Education
The Religious Education program is offered for children and youth of all ages. Grade school programs are held concurrently with the Sunday worship service.
All types of activities, play, creativity, and sharing are used to assist in faith development of our children and youth. The Youth group meets twice monthly. Check the calendar for times.